Surrounded by the books till the Intermediate school, given up on all the sports activities, gulping down food from dusk to dawn, running in the rat race of scoring good marks, this nerd had gradually started putting on weight, but before this balloon could have had actually burst, this person thought of deflating the balloon. The true story is yet to arrive.
Since I was born, I was always cuddled by the family members, neighbors and their kids, who have now grown up into uncles NOW. Even after pulling the cheeks to the largest extent possible that were as chubby as a plum, they didn’t satisfied and started to tickle everywhere from top and bottom. When I didn’t react to their tickling they started calling me as the most quiet girl of this world as they had not witnessed such a girl before. Some of them even considered me as dumb who is irresilient to change. My parents were astonished!!
As I grew up, I became a little thin, definitely not as thin as a wire but those were the heydays of my life. I enjoyed every bit and piece of it by wearing the shortest skirts, shorts, dresses and that was the time when the chapter of adolescence was about to get closed. Then suddenly plethora of books and curriculum pulled me down though not physically but mentally. I became a moron. In the hope of performing extremely well on the engineering entrance, I worked day and night to meet the requisite preparation level and eventually turned into a huge balloon.
My study routine started with studying, eating, sleeping and I followed it iteratively on a daily basis. The heavy breakfast containing paranthas soaked in ghee and a glass full of milk, (and trust me those glasses are not normal sized) were sufficient in contributing in gaining the weight. Breakfast followed, stomach filling lunch with all possible dishes and so on so forth. And most importantly the supper included the frankies and all the fried items.
Though I was attaining my goals, my health started to deteriorate, with constant backache and inflammation in the nerves due to obesity. I became more lethargic and lazy.
After my Intermediate, I was constantly pestered and teased by my classmates for being obese. Those were the humiliating and embarrassing moments of my life.
Now here is a scenario. What would you have done if you were put at my place? When your parents are constantly poking you for reducing the weight as you might not get the right match, friends mocking in public and you are suffering from bad health? And additionally you think it’s so difficult to start man! Almost 30 kilos extra than an average person. Nonetheless, I decided to reduce weight. Dedication and will power were the source of motivation I exhibited towards exercises and followed a healthy diet routine.
During my vocational break of two months, I decided to shed off the body weight as much as possible. I used to wake up at 5.30 to attend a Yoga class in my neighborhood, followed by Aerobics and stretching at home. After a rigorous workout of 3.5 hours in the morning, I deliberately chose to eat less and consumed only boiled porridge constantly for innumerable times a day constantly for two months. And that was the only thing on the menu, not even a single biscuit was entertained. Then in evening, I used to run for like 6 kms in a park. Packed in a sweatshirt, zipped upto the neck in the swelthering summer evening was not a cake walk as I had to face those constant stare of people but I failed to back out. Since, this was a self-made plan, Initially I was thinking it might not work, but I was on cloud9 when it helped me in reducing 21 odd kilos in a period of 2 months. I became an inspiration for many. It’s an absolute change in one’s life and being fit is not something one is born with, instead one has to earn it with constant efforts and hardwork. I was a lioness in the battle and made it fruitful.
And I believe, fitness is not a destination, it’s a journey. So, I plan to continue it to the rest of my life.
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